শন কোভি এর বই সমূহ অনলাইনে কিনুন | বইবাজার.কম

শন কোভি

Sean Covey was the beginning quarterback for religious leader University throughout the 1987 and 1988 seasons. He was benched thanks to associate articulation plans sprain. Following his school soccer career wrote a book referred to as The seven Habits of extremely Effective Teens. it's a book supported the principles of The Seven Habits of extremely Effective individuals, that was written by his father, Stephen R. Covey, however directed towards the lifetime of a young person. A more modern book he has written is that the vi most vital selections you may Ever build. The book directs the six huge decisions young rs can build in their teenage years. The six selections are: college, Friends, Parents, qualitative analysis and Sex, Addictions, and egos.


প্রয়োজনে নিচের মেন্যুর সাহায্য নিন

ফিল্টার মুছুন

দ্য 7 হ্যাবিটস অব হাইলি ইফেকটিভ টিনেজার্স (হার্ডকভার)

দ্য 7 হ্যাবিটস অব হাইলি ইফেকটিভ টিনেজার্স (হার্ডকভার)

শন কোভি

৳ ৩৩৮ ৳ ৪৫০

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