ম্যানেজমেন্ট বিষয়ক বই সমূহ অনলাইনে কিনুন | বইবাজার.কম


প্রয়োজনে নিচের মেন্যুর সাহায্য নিন

ফিল্টার মুছুন

মানব সম্পদ ব্যবস্থাপনা-অনার্স ২য় বর্ষ (ব্যবস্থাপনা বিভাগ)

মানব সম্পদ ব্যবস্থাপনা-অনার্স ২য় বর্ষ (ব্যবস্থাপনা বিভাগ)

প্রফেসর মোহাম্মদ মহিউদ্দিন

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Strategic Management (Paperback)

Strategic Management (Paperback)

এন. চন্দ্রশেখরন

৳ ৯৬৫

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The Oxford Handbook of Human Capital

The Oxford Handbook of Human Capital

অ্যালান বার্টন-জোনস

৳ ৬৪৬০

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বিবিএ প্রথমবর্ষ স্কান্নের - ১খণ্ড ও ২য় খণ্ড(একত্রে)

বিবিএ প্রথমবর্ষ স্কান্নের - ১খণ্ড ও ২য় খণ্ড(একত্রে)

কৃষ্ণ দুলাল ঘোষ

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Let's Work Smarter, Not Harder: How to Engage Your Entire Organization in the Execution of Change (Paperback)

Let's Work Smarter, Not Harder: How to Engage Your Entire Organization in the Execution of Change (Paperback)

মাইকেল কারভাটা

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Retail Management (Paperback)

Retail Management (Paperback)

চেতান বাজাজ

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ইনফরমেশান টেকনোলজি এবং সিস্টেমস এনালিসিস

ইনফরমেশান টেকনোলজি এবং সিস্টেমস এনালিসিস

ফজলুল আলম

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Cross Cultural Management (Paperback)

Cross Cultural Management (Paperback)

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Understanding Strategic Management (Paperback)

Understanding Strategic Management (Paperback)

অ্যান্থনি হেনরি

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Managing in a Globalized World (Paperback)

Managing in a Globalized World (Paperback)

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Production Management and Technological Choices (Paperback)

Production Management and Technological Choices (Paperback)

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Partnerships for Protection: New Strategies for Planning and Management for Protected Areas (Hardcover)

Partnerships for Protection: New Strategies for Planning and Management for Protected Areas (Hardcover)

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Human Resource Management (Paperback)

Human Resource Management (Paperback)

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Dictionary of Business & Management (Paperback)

Dictionary of Business & Management (Paperback)

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Management Consultancy

Management Consultancy


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The Oxford Handbook of Public Management (Paperback)

The Oxford Handbook of Public Management (Paperback)

ইয়ান ফার্লি

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Management : Principles, Processes, And Practices (Paperback)

Management : Principles, Processes, And Practices (Paperback)

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Hotel Front Office: Operations and Management (Paperback)

Hotel Front Office: Operations and Management (Paperback)

জাশশঙ্কর আর. টিওয়ারী

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Fundamentals of Management

Fundamentals of Management

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Management : Principles Practices and Techniques (Hardcover)

Management : Principles Practices and Techniques (Hardcover)

এন. এস. গুপ্তা

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Strategic Management-Theory & Application (Paperback)

Strategic Management-Theory & Application (Paperback)

অ্যাড্রিয়ান হবারবার্গ

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Services Marketing

Services Marketing


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Performance Management (Paperback)

Performance Management (Paperback)

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Modern Small Scale Industries and Industrial Sickness (Paperback)

Modern Small Scale Industries and Industrial Sickness (Paperback)

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Leadership And Management Development (Paperback)

Leadership And Management Development (Paperback)

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Managing For Change: Leadership, Strategy & Management in Asian ngos (Paperback)

Managing For Change: Leadership, Strategy & Management in Asian ngos (Paperback)

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Business Mathematics

Business Mathematics

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The Oxford Handbook of Critical Management Studies (Paperback)

The Oxford Handbook of Critical Management Studies (Paperback)

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Dictionary Of Management (Paperback)

Dictionary Of Management (Paperback)

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Knowledge Management In Organizations (Paperback)

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Quality Management (Paperback)

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Managing And Shaping Innovation (Paperback)

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Corporate Governance (Paperback)

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Production And Operations Management (Paperback)

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Conflict Management And Negotiation

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